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Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, Novermber 18, 2024


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Estimated Bill

If we are unable to read your water meter, we will estimate your bill. When we prepare an estimated bill, several factors are considered, including your past actual water usage and the season that billing period falls in. Estimated reads will appear on your bill with an "EST" after the reading number.

If a subsequent meter reading shows that we overestimated your usage, we will send you a corrected bill. If you have already paid the overestimated bill, we will apply the amount you overpaid to your next bill.

Estimated readings should be avoided because they:
  •  Hinder the management of your water usage
  •  Delay the savings of water conservation
  •  May result in a subsequent large water bill if your usage was underestimated
  •  May delay the identification of leaks in your internal plumbing
Typically, the Water Authority obtains Actual Reads on 98% of our accounts.
1580 Union Turnpike, New Hyde Park, NY 11040-1762
Phone: (516) 327-4100 | Fax: (516) 327-4132
Public Water Supply Identification No. NY2902830
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