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Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, Novermber 18, 2024


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Please see the Water Authority's Rights and Responsibilities Brochure for complete details on this topic.

Customer Responsibilities 

The customer's responsibilities are as follows:

  • Maintaining the service line from the property line. (If a building is located on the property line, the owner is responsible for the water service two (2) feet outside of the property line.)
  • Interior plumbing lines and fixtures
  • Protecting the meter from damage or freezing
  • Valves and fittings on both sides of the meter
  • Keeping area clear around the meter pit so the cover is visible and accessible
  • Installing, maintaining and testing a cross connection prevention device if applicable
  • Keeping the area around the meter accessible inside the building
  • Maintaining the meter on a fire protection service

Leaks on a section of the service line that you own can pose many problems, including property drainage hazards and high bills resulting from undetected water usage. You must have all service line leaks repaired promptly. Based on the severity of the leak, you may be served with a shut off notice if a timely repair is not made.

Water Authority Responsibilities 

The Water Authority's equipment and service responsibilities are:

  • Maintenance of water distribution lines in the street that transport water to your property line
  •  Installation and maintenance of the domestic water meter, except for damage by frost, hot water, or external causes, including customer negligence or abuse
  •  Curb box and curb stop
  •  Meter pit and cover where applicable

Leaks occurring on a Water Authority owned water main or service line from the main to your property line will be repaired by the Water Authority. If you notice any type of leak, please notify us immediately by calling our 24-hour emergency line at (516) 327-4100. You will be notified if a repair will temporarily interrupt your water service, except during an emergency situation, when we may not be able to provide advance notification. If a service interruption is necessary, every effort will be made to restore normal service as quickly as possible.

Service Repair

If you request to have your service temporarily shut off for a repair or for any other reason you will be charged a $50.00 service fee shutoff and another $50.00 fee for reconnection to cover the cost of the service.

Frozen Service

The thawing of the service line from the customer's property line to the premise is the responsibility of the customer.

Damaged Meter

If repairs to the domestic water meter are necessary, the expense will be incurred by the Water Authority except where the meter repair or replacement is the result of negligence of the customer.

Should it be determined that the necessary repair work is a result of customer negligence, the appropriate charges will be applied to the next bill.

1580 Union Turnpike, New Hyde Park, NY 11040-1762
Phone: (516) 327-4100 | Fax: (516) 327-4132
Public Water Supply Identification No. NY2902830
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