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Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, September 23, 2024


Radio Reads

The Water Authority is in the process of converting to a radio reading system for our metered customers.

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Meter Reading

Water meters reliably and accurately measure water consumption. All meters are tested before they are installed to assure the meter's accuracy.

Meter Accessibility

The majority of our meters have outside reading devices usually making internal access to the meter unneccessary. In addition, the Water Authority has been converting to a radio reading system for our metered customers.

So, for most customers our field service representatives will be able to collect the readings from either external reading devices or handheld radio receivers from moving vehicles.

The benefits of this process are increased efficiency - each field service representative will be able to read more meters each day while minimizing access issues that typically arise.

However, in the event that the outside reading device malfunctions or your residence does not have one, you are responsible for providing our customer service field representative with reasonable access to the water meter installed at your premise.

All Water Authority employees carry a photo identification card which you should ask to see prior to allowing them access to your residence.

If we are unable to obtain a reading from the outside reading device and are unable to gain access to the actual meter, a notice will be left asking you to contact our customer service department. At that time our customer service representative will either accept a reading from you over the telephone, or arrange to have a customer service field representative revisit your home at a mutually agreeable time to read your water meter.

1580 Union Turnpike, New Hyde Park, NY 11040-1762
Phone: (516) 327-4100 | Fax: (516) 327-4132
Public Water Supply Identification No. NY2902830
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